Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 70

This evening was going to be a nice relaxing 8-9 mile run!! I broke out my ipod for the first time in forever, and cranked up the tunes. I had a good steady pace going and felt great, thinking bout going 10 maybe. But when I approached 3 miles I felt that feeling that all runners dread!! I had to go to the bathroom.. and it wasn't numero uno!
I continued to run figuring I would stop at the gas station around mile four. Will 3.5 hit me and it hit me hard!! I stopped in at the next gas station hoping they had a working bathroom. (remember that fear I told you about... worrying that the bathroom will be locked...) This gas station had an out of order sign on both restrooms!! As soon as I saw it I turned around with great dismay and took off back the way I came to get to the next gas station.
I didn't reach the next gas station till about mile 4.5. This one was a winner!! I got in there and did my business! It always stinks to have the runs on a run.. no pun intended! It wasn't even another half mile before i had a second wave... SO I got the nearest gas station for a second round =\
When I walked in the door the gentleman asked me if I had a shirt. I said sorry no, I just have to use the restroom real quick! He said, Oh.. ok.. You just can't buy anything.

This lovely evening reminds me of an experience I had back in high school. It was cross country season and we were going for a lung run. About 2 miles into the run the girls split away from the guys. It wasn't even a quarter mile after that, as we were running along wilderness road that it hit me, and it hit me hard!! I can remember how every plant of my foot just vibrated through my whole body and made my situation worse and worse. I was a very loud and animated person.. and so each stride came with its own noises. Needless to say, the guys were busting up laughing and joking.
They told me that the humane society would be the closest place for the restroom! So as we approached 3.5 miles I lengthened my stride up to the closed Humane Society's gate with a big sign on it. That sign had the hours of operation... And it just so happened to be that they were closed on that specific day that I was trying to use their restroom!
After lots of funny whining we took off to get to dowtown Reeds Spring where I knew that I could use the Pope's Backyard Stainglass shop's bathroom!!. As we neared downtown, we passed over the train tracks and there straight in front of me was the junk yard... At the gate of the dumpyard was a big sign that said, No Dumping. And directly below that sign was a Toilet!

Then finally we approached the Pope's shop and there was a porta poty out front. I jumped in there quickly.. But before I sat down decided.. OH HECK! I've gotten this far, I might as well use a real bathroom!! So I burst into their shop and the music playing reached my ears was... Taking Care of Business!! lol.

There are many many more stories... lol

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