Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 103-116 Part Two

Sunday 18th
Branson Sprint Triathlon

I stayed up till about 3am watching movies with my parents and got up at about 5 am to head to Branson b/c the bike transition would close at 6:45. My race did not start till 8:30am so I had a loooong wait.. While i was putting air in my tires the guy nxt to me noticed my reeds spring jacket and we struck up a conversation that led to me finding out he ran with my older brother on the xc team in HS. Then while I was waiting for the start I ran into Aaron, a HS running mate from xc. He was lifegaurding for the race, and then later I saw Garrett who was also lifeguarding. While I am mentioning all these people I should say I saw Maggie at packet pick up also! ;) yay having friends!

We were lined up single file and went in 2 second intervals, when it came to be my turn I was dancing it up to the blaring music!! Boo Ya! The swim went pretty good, but my legs were very heavy when I got onto dry land. I did much better in my transition period than I have in the past and went pedal to the metal on the bike portion as best as I could. There were two interesting hills I experienced...

Hill #1 had a "Caution, Extreme Downhill" sign. I went flying down the hill and before I knew it my bike was shaking and was wobbling really badly. I slowly applied brakes as best as I could and started to let out some pretty intense yells. haha. I was just picturing myself crashing and tumbling down that hill. ooooh geez.

Hill #2 was an extreme sudden uphill, I tried my best to pedal up it, but I had to get off the bike and run the last couple feet. The run section treated me well and I pushed as hard as I could for the majority of it. I ended up getting 49th over all and 4th in my age division. Missed 3rd by 5 minutes to a guy who happened to go to MSU with me. lol.

There isn't any training worth mentioning except for the weekend when I went to Camp Galilee to help with a fall youth retreat. I woke up early morning when it was still dark outside and hit the road. I ran out to the highway and just kept on going and going. I was running into a BEAUTIFUL sunrise. The sky was just lit up with the most amazing colors of Gods Wonder! Eventually I had to turn around b/c I was worried I wouldn't be back in time (forgot my watch). But when I got back I still had a good half hour left, so I went out for a lap on the trails. It was very interesting how when I was running, it was still basically dark and then suddenly it became light. It wasn't gradual, it was just like Bam! Good Morning! haha

Later in the week I hit a few good distance runs, just trying to get into a good groove!

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