Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 103-113 Part one

September 17th
Americans Diabetes Association 5k!!

e night before I was at The Potter's House and shoot were we busy!!! I got home around 1 and went to bed around 2am. Jeremiah was sleeping on my couch when I got home (a friend from SBU) but when I woke up he was gone. Headed over to Panera where the race start was and awaited the start call. I lined up in the front of the crowd at the start line and awaited the Go. I led the pack for the first 200 meters or so (something I do not like to do, but in a race as short as a 5k I am not going to slow my start pace to not lead. I go out with what I got). Eventually an older guy slowly passed me and slowly but surely he widened the gap between us. I did not like this and I felt like I could have gone at a bit faster of a pace, yet he got away from me. There wasn't anyone close behind me at all so I just worked myself and tried not to let go of my pace. It was a very nice route through some side neighborhoods.

I ended up finishing 2nd overall and 1st in my age division with a 17:44. A much better time then my past couple 5ks. I would like to see that get down to a 17 flat or even better a 16:something by the end of the season!

I almost went onto to talk about the triathlon on the following day but then I remembered why I mentioned Jeremiah! Him and his fiance were at the race, I didn't even know he was gonna be there. Also, a girl from youth/camp was at the race as well, Hadley.

I left springfield in the afternoon to go pick up my packet for the triathlon on Sunday, but stopped for gas briefly. I left the keys in the ignition and thought to myself don't lock the door, yet out of habit I somehow ended up locking the door. So I stood looking at the locked truck door (a scene I have seen twice before) and was very worried, b/c if I had to call a locksmith or break into my truck I would be late to packet pick up and they did not have race day pick up! So I started looking in the bed of the truck for a wire hanger and by chance happened to find my extra set of keys that I specifically put back there the last time I locked myself out. Praise GOD!

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