Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 4 and 5

Friday I went out to the Missouri Beef Research and Teaching Farm to run through the 5k course a couple times so that I would know where to place turn signs. It was a very hot day, especially to run at noon. lol. Part of the course was blocked off by an electric fence so that the cows had a place to stay in the shade till the race. Which Means..... I had fun =) I know you all think I touched it.. but its no fun to touch an electric fence if no one is around. So instead i attempted to roll under it, but the grass was very prickly. SO instead i got to hurdle the 5 foot electric fence. Good fun.

Saturday morning Gregory, Melissa, and I worked the finish line for the Show-Me State Games Fun Run at the Beef Farm. And I had a blast. There were some really interesting characters that came out for the race. One of which was a group of 3 ladies... and boy were they loud and energetic. We gave the 1 milers a tractor hay ride to their start at the Hay Bale Maze. I started the race and then had to run back so that I could be at the finish to coordinate the finish line.

Next was the 5k, didn't have any fast runners, but we had a great bunch of spirited people and I think they all enjoyed the mud pit. The best part of the race would have been the Beef Fajitas that were provided for lunch by the Missouri Beef Council!! mmmmmm!!, Delish!!

Beef is part of a healthy active lifestyle !!

1 comment:

  1. Hey i just came across your blog and I love it. I'm doing a similar blog but only hoping to get in shape for a 50k trail run in October. maybe I can do the Ozark Trail 100 miler next year. Anyhow I enjoyed reading your posts.
