Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 118

Toughman Competition
Day 2

Got to bed around 1am after working at the Potters House. Woke up at 5am to head over to the Kum and Go to pick up my bib number for the Kickin Route 66 Mother Road Run Half Marathon! I met with Richard White (running the marathon) to hitch a ride to my start line 13.1 miles down the road in order to save some $$ that I would of had to pay to ride the bus. Unfortunately the race didn't start till 8am.. and I was dropped off at the start line at 6:30am. lol. So, out there in the middle of nowhere in the dark I waited for people to show up for the race.

It was kind of cold out there so I had a hoodie and pants on.. but I was 13.1 miles away from my truck, so I tried to think of how I was going to get my stuff bike to the finish line. luckily someone from my high school ran the race and his parents drove to the start line! The start line consisted of a small yard sign next to a junk yard with porta johns across the street that if you didn't hold onto the bar on the door in front of you.. you might fall off the seat. lol. =) Great start line!!

As soon as the sun popped up on the horizon I could feel the warmth! The race began and Iled the back again! I debated falling in behind someone to "draft" off them but good thing I didn't! I went out in a 6:30 mile pace. got a 18:30 5k.. my arms and hands were freezing for the first 4-5 miles. Yet again another perk of being in the front is somewhat being able to use the lead car to pace you. But it wasn't like the guy on the bike, the cop would be there one minute and then speed off and then after mile 4 he was gone for ever. lol.

I really enjoyed that the mile markers were counting down. I was able to keep my pace up really good for a majority of the race! (I wish I would have hit my lap button on each mile so I would have my splits b/c they were pretty good!) I didn't suffer from any muscle cramps! So that was a big plus! I only looked behind me twice, once to switch sides of the road, and once in the last mile to see if the 2nd place person was close or not. I was tempted to turn around and look but if they were far away I would have slowed down my pace (whether that was b/c I purposely did it, or subconsciously did it) Instead I kept pushing myself not knowing where he was!

When I reached 5 miles left to go I kicked it into high gear, and every time I passed a mile marker I would speed up! Good thing I did b/c if I hadn't... I may have been over taken. I ended up finishing with a personal best of 1:21!!!!! 1 place over all!!! =D

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