Monday, April 30, 2012

Cross Country Missions/Crazy Runner 4 God

4 years ago I was the summer intern at my home church for the youth ministry position. My youth minister gave me task to take something I had a passion for and mesh it with God! That day I created Cross Country Missions. I combined my passion of running, missions, & God. I hosted my very first race to raise money for mission work. Since then I created fun, new, and exciting races the raise money for mission work! In 2012 I have already hosted the Yeti Set Run series and the Potter's House 5k. Still have the Annual Conference 5k, Bigfoot's Legend/1 Insane Trail Run, Backwards Mile, and a few others to go. And in 2013 I will be adding the Forrest Gump Challenge and creating the Cross Country Missions race series. You will receive the finishers medals from YSR, BFL, & FGC and also receive a special series medal for doing all three.

On top of hosting races I started to pick-up racing under the identity Crazy Runner 4 God in order to raise money for missions also. I created a jersey for myself to wear with the CCM logo... but it just wasn't enough. Sure, people noticed the jersey every now and then and commented how it was great and good job running for God. But I wanted to get God out there much better than that! So... why not run with a cross!

Thankfully for my very supportive running friends from Ozark Mountain Ridge Runners running organization I was able to run my very first race carrying a wooden cross! On April 28th, 2012 at the Frisco Highline Run I sat my cross on my shoulder and lined up at the start line to run 13.1 miles. Having no idea what I might be in store for running with a cross on my shoulder ( I had never ran with it before). I started out and felt great, tried to slow my pace a little but my legs just kept turning so I just kept going! I started out switching which shoulder the cross was on about every 800 meters... and then as the race continued that distance got smaller and smaller. Eventually every couple seconds I would switch. Because the length of the cross the weight pulls at me from behind so I had to hold the cross in a way so that the center of gravity from the cross would be more in line with mine. I ended up gripping the top portion of the vertical beam, bringing the horizontal beam in to my body and the bottom end of the vertical beam sticking more into the air. (Next race I am going to try and find the best way to hold it)
I ended up finishing 4th in my age division and 12th overall with a 1:38, my best time ever being a 1:21. The Lord is good, and if I practice this and run more and more races like this I will eventually be able to win some races and then I will get the publicity I am wanting to share my passion for Christ! 

It takes a lot of money to do all of the stuff I do with my missions. Gas money, race entry fees, running gear, and hosting the races for missions is even more expensive. I use my own money to do all if this, unless anyone feels led to sponsor me! So if you feel led to do so, you can make checks out to CROSS COUNTRY MISSIONS and mail it to:
PO Box 520
El Dorado Springs, MO 64744

or go to click on SEND MONEY and send it to: 

My goal is to run across the U.S.A. with-in the next 10 years and carry the cross for a certain amount everyday. To God Be the Glory!!!

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