Saturday, April 28, 2012

Been Awhile...

Sorry about the long expanse of time I have not posted anything! My life has been being blessed more than ever and busier than ever! I have gotten engaged, I am about to graduate, and will be moving to Camp Galilee to work there! I had hopes to get a teaching job as well, but there is no open position as of now, but I don't care because all I want to do is work at camp and do work for GOD! So many ideas running through my head!


I ran my first ultra-marathon in February, 50k! This was one incredible experience! It was a record low of 20 degrees that morning and the course was mostly on bridal trails. Meaning that all of the mud with horse tracks in them was frozen solid and very uneven! This started out fun but turned into a disaster and foot/ankle killer. It was a 10 mile loop course totally over 31 miles. I started the race with my ipod and a water pack... but to my dismay the water in the tube had frozen and I could not drink from it! As I got into the twisty turny part of the course my headphones ripped out of my ipod and I though I had lost my ipod. I ditched my pack after the first lap which turns out still had my ipod in it! phew! As the second lap started I hung with a couple of people for awhile and chatted with them, but eventually couldn't keep up their pace and fell back. The aid stations were very cheerful and people were very excited to see me coming with my team beef jersey on. This is also the lap where my hand... went completely numb and I wanted to cry... but for some reason I couldn't. I may have whimpered a lot though. Eventually I got to an aid station that had hand warmers and I was able to warm up my hands by putting them in my gloves.

By the third lap I wasn't sure how I was going to make it 10 more miles. So as I came around past the start/finish I spotted my girlfriend(fiance now) and shouted out for her to run the last lap with me! She replied she was wearing flipflops and I told her to change into her shoes. She joined up with me and we headed out! about 2-3 miles in she asked how far the loop was... and I told her it was about 10 miles... Sorry. ooops... she didn't know it was that long! She hasn't ran more than a 5k! EVER! She replied, I love you. We ran that last 10 miles together! The course by that point had been turned into solid mud. What an experience! I have one amazing woman in my life!

Since then I have run several other races, including a 5k in a parking garage, duathlon, and several half marathons. I also hosted the Potter's House 5k race to raise money for the Christian coffee house which is a college campus ministry creating a fun and safe alternative community that students can hang out at instead of getting drunk.

I have re-amped Cross Country Missions to a 3 race Series in 2013. Consisting of the Yeti Set Run races, Bigfoot's Legend, and the Forrest Gump Challenge. Each race you receive a finishers medal, and if you complete all three you receive a series medal! Once I am stationed at Camp I will have alot of time to work on making the trails better and the races better. I have also decided to raise money to purchase an IPICO timing mat/software. This means the events would become chip timed and much better overall.

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